A study on the Useful of Zoom Technology in Iraqi EFL Classroom
https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v8i47.659الكلمات المفتاحية:
Iraqi EFL Classroom, Zoom program, teaching languageالملخص
The current research emphasizes the effective role of Zoom technology in the educational system. Work with educational technology, especially the Zoom program, has increased and linked it to subjects taught in universities. It has become a phenomenon of integrating language textbooks with Zoom technology as complementary resources for language learning activities in daily lessons. The sample consisted of 16 university learners who participated in this research, and they were studying at Anbar University, Iraq. A questionnaire was used as a tool to obtain opinions about using Zoom technology. The learners' questionnaire was analyzed, and the learners' response was calculated as a percentage. The research results provided insight into English learners’ approach to using technological means such as Zoom. The results indicate the important role of the Zoom program in developing learners' communication. The Zoom program is necessary to become a source of inspiration and provide motivation in teaching in the Iraqi classroom.
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