Turkey's foreign policy and the repercussions of the Kurdish issue on it For the period from (1918 - 2015 )
Turky,s Foreign P Policy , Kurdish issue , Justice and Development Party.Abstract
The Kurdish movement began to emerge before the establishment of the modern Turkish Republic led by the fall of the Ottoman Empire, as the Kurdish region was shared by four countries, namely Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, and this movement developed after the groups calling for independence and self-rule, became armed movements As a reaction to the modern policy pursued by Turkey with them, which aimed to dissolve the Kurdish identity in the Turkish identity, which was the emergence of the armed Turkish "PKK", which demanded the secession of the Turkish region of Kurdistan in southern Turkey and demanded the rights of the Turkish Kurds, which made the Turkish Kurdish issue a part of The internal problems in Turkey, including the security aspects, which were reflected on its foreign policies, as they take a regional and international dimension.
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