Seeking new meaning and the effectiveness of reception: A reading of "Al-Sina'atayn" by Abu Hassan Al-Askari (395 AH)
The meaning is the soul of the language and the basis of its creativity, it occupies a wide position in the process of systems, the critics gave it their attention for its importance, as they did not care about anything as much as they cared about it, through their setting of technical standards that they subjected to it, they wanted through it to reach the ideal meaning, as the meaning was not good for them unless it was evaluated by quality standards and included under it, and often the old Arabic poetry was characterized by possessing the good and ideal meaning, due to the skill of the poets, their brilliance and their mastery of the artistic craft in their production.
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The miracle of the Qur’an, the judge Abu Bakr al-Baqillani, (d. 403 AH), verification: Professor Abu Bakr Abdul Razzaq, Library of Egypt, Al-Fajala, Cairo.
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The adornment of the lecture in the industry of poetry by Abu Ali Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Hatimi (d. 388 AH), verification: Dr. Jaafar al-Katani, Dar al-Hurriya for Printing, Baghdad, 1979 AD.
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Diwan Amr al-Qais, explanation by Abu Saeed al-Sukri, study and verification: Dr. Anwar Abu Suwailim, Dr. Muhammad Ali al-Shawakbeh, Zayed Center for Heritage and History, 1st edition, 2000 AD.
Diwan Umayya bin Abi al-Salt, collected, verified and explained by: Dr. Saji al-Jubaili, Dar Sader, Beirut, 1st edition, 1998 AD.
Diwan Dureid bin Al-Summa, verification: Dr. Omar Abdul Rasool, Dar al-Ma’arif, Cairo, d. t.
Diwan Zuhair bin Abi Salma, made by Abu al-Abbas Tha’lab, introduced and indexed by Dr. Hanna Nasser Al-Hiti, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut, Lebanon, 1424 AH / 2004 AD.
Diwan Omar bin Kulthum, collected, verified and explained by: Dr. Emil Badi Yaqoub, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi, Beirut.
Diwan Antar, study and verification, Muhammad Saeed Al-Mulawi, Al-Islamiyya Library, Beirut, 1964 AD, 2nd edition.
Diwan Alaqma, explained by Al-Alam Al-Shamantari, introduced and indexed by Dr. Hanna Al-Hiti, Dar Al-Kitab Beirut, 1st edition, 1414 AH / 1993 AD.
Diwan Al-Nabigha Al-Dhubyani, verification: Muhammad Abu Al-Fadl Ibrahim, Dar Al-Ma’arif, Cairo, 2nd edition, 1985 AD.
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The secret of eloquence, Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Said bin Sinan al-Khafaji, (d. 466 AH) Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, 1st edition, 1982 AD.
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The style that includes the secrets of rhetoric and the sciences of the facts of the miracle, by Imam Yahya bin Hamza al-Alawi (d. 507 AH), verification: Dr. Abdul Hamid al-Hindawi, Al-Asriya Library, Beirut, 1st edition, 2002 AD.
The science of beauty, Dr. Abdul Aziz Atiq, Dar al-Afaq al-Arabiyya, Cairo, 1424 AH, 2004 AD.
The pillar of Arabic poetry, its origin and concept, Dr. Mahmoud bin Morsi al-Harthy, Mecca, 1st edition, 1417 AH, 1996 AD.
The standard of poetry, Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Tabataba al-Alawi (d. 322 AH) explanation and verification: Abbas Abdul Sattar, review Naeem Zarzour, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, Lebanon, 2nd edition, 1426 AH - 2004 AD.
The issue of the pillar of the ten in ancient Arabic criticism and its emergence and development, Dr. Walid Qassab, Al-Haditha Library, Al-Ain, 3rd edition, 1985 AD.
The book of the two industries, writing and poetry, by Abu Hilal al-Hasan bin Abdullah bin Sahl al-Askari (d. 395 AH), verification: Dr. Mufid Qamihah, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, 1st edition, 2008.
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The extraction of beauty in naturalizing the styles of beauty by Abu al-Qasim al-Sajalmasi (d. 704 AH) verification: Allal al-Ghazi, Library of Knowledge, Rabat, Morocco, 1st edition, 1980 AD.
The view of the aggrieved in support of the Qurayd, Al-Muzaffar bin Al-Fadl Al-Alawi (d. 656 AH) verification Noha Aref, Tabreen Printing House, Damascus, 1976 AD.
Criticism of poetry, Qudamah bin Jaafar (d. 337 AH) verification and comment: Dr. Muhammad Abdul Munim Khafaji, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, Lebanon.
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