البنية الإيقاعية في شعر محمد سعيد الحبوبي


  • أ.د هيثم عباس سالم الصويلي جامعة ذي قار ـ كلية الآداب
  • شيرين كاظم غياض




  تُعد موسيقى الشعر من العناصر الجوهرية والمقومات الأساسية في الشعر في كل زمان ومكان ، إذ لا قيمة للشعر بدونها ، وتلك الموسيقى لا يدرك أثرها ووقعها في النفوس إلا إذا تفاعلت مع بقية عناصر التجربة الشعرية في نفس شاعر مفلق ، فقد عُدت وعاءً للشعر ؛ لأنها عنصر أساسي لا يمكن تجاوز بأية حال من الأحوال ، فمن خلاله تبرز ملامح القصيدة وأثرها في المتلقي وما تفعله في القلوب والنفوس من أثر وجداني ، يتفاعل معها ويستجيب لنغمها الموسيقي المتتابع . ويحاول الشاعر بوساطة موسيقاه الداخلية أن يخلق توافقاً نفسياً بينه وبين العالم الصادر ، فالشاعر وما يمر به من تجارب وحالات نفسية يظهر أثرها جلياً في ثنايا شعره، إذ أن لكل نفس موسيقاها الداخلية ، ويستعين الحبوبي بتلك الموسيقى وما فيها من خصائص ومميزات ؛ لتضفي على النص جمالاً وقوة عن طريق التكرار والألوان البلاغية الأخرى وما فيها من وسائل للإيحاء والإيقاع الصوتي الذي ينتج الهزة النفسية.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


• The Effect of Repetition on Textual Cohesion, Lexical Approaches in the Light of Dr. Khaled Al-Moneef 's articles., Dr. Nawal bint Ibrahim Al-Hilweh, Umm Al-Qura University Journal of Language Sciences and Literature, Riyadh, 8th, Rajab 1433 AH - May 2012 AD.

• TheEffect of Sound in Directing Semantics, a Phonetic Stylistic Study, Dr. Sajida Abd al-Karim, Journal of Tikrit University for Human Sciences, No. 17, No. 3, March, 2010.

• Linguistic Voices, Ibrahim Anis, Nahdet Misr Library and Press.

• Anwar al-Rabi` fi Awaa` al-Badi`, Ali Sadr al-Din bin Masum al-Madani, verified and translated by his poets, Shaker Hadi Shukr, Part 1, Al-Numan Press, Najaf Al-Ashraf, 1st edition, 1986 AD.

• Clarification in the Sciences of Rhetoric, Meanings, Statement and Budaiya, Al-Khatib Al-Qazwini, put in footnotes by Ibrahim Shams Al-Din, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia, Beirut, Lebanon, 1, 2003 AD.

• Internal Rhythm in the Contemporary Poem (The Structure of Repetition in Al-Bayati as a Model), Dr. Huda Al-Sehnawi, Damascus University Journal, Department of Arabic Language, College of Arts and Humanities, Vol. 30, Vol. 1-2, 2014.

Rhythm in Modernist Poetry: An Applied Study on the Collections of (Farouk Shousha, Ibrahim Abu Sunna, Hassan Talab, Refaat Salam), Dr. Muhammad Alwan Salman, Dar Al-Ilm and Al-Iman for Publishing and Distribution, 1, 2010 AD.

• Al-Badi', Ibn Al-Mu'tazz, took care of publishing and commenting the introduction and indexes, Ignatius Krachkovsky, Dar Al-Masira, Beirut, 3rd edition, 1982 AD.

• The artistic structure of the poetry of the Islamic conquests in the era of early Islam, d. Hussein Ali Al-Dakhili, Dar Al-Hamid, Amman, Jordan, 1st edition, 2011.

• The Rhythmic Formations in the Al-Tafilah Poem from Leadership to Maturity (1948 - 1980), Dr. Thaer Al-Adhari, Rand for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, 1, 2010 AD.

• The Development of Modern Arabic Poetry in Iraq (Vision Trends and Textile Aesthetics), d. Ali Abbas Alwan, Publications of the Ministry of Information, Republic of Iraq, 1975 AD.

• Rhythmic Repetition in the Arabic Language, Dr. Sayed Khader, Dar Al-Huda Book, 1, 1998 AD.

• Prepositions, Their Meaning and Relationships, Abu Aws Ibrahim Al-Shamsan, Al-Madani Press, Jeddah, 1987AD.

Studies in Poetry Criticism, Elias Khoury, Dar Ibn Rushd, 1st Edition, January 1979.

• Diwan of Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Haboubi, compiled and prepared by Mahmoud Al-Haboubi, explaining its vocabulary and translating its flags, Abdel Ghaffar Al-Haboubi, Volume 1-2, Dar Al-Kawakb for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Beirut, Lebanon, 5th edition, 2005 AD.

• Ashes of Poetry: A Study of the Objective and Technical Structure of Modern Emotional Poetry in Iraq, d. Abdul Karim Radi Jaafar, Adnan House and Library, 2nd Edition, 2014.

• Time in contemporary Iraqi poetry, the pioneer stage (Al-Sayyab, Al-Bayati, Baland Al-Haidari, Nazik Al-Malaika), d. Salam Kazem Al-Awsi, Dar Al-Madina Al-Fadila, I 1, 2012 AD.

• Swaneh Ideas and Qur'aan in Gharar Poems and Praises, Shams Al-Din Muhammad Bin Najm Al-Din Al-Hilali Al-Dimashqi, investigation and study, d. Mohamed Abdel Hamid Salem, Egyptian General Book Organization Press, 1, 2011 AD.

The Style Involving Asrar al-Balaghah and the Sciences of the Realities of Miracles, Yahya bin Hamza bin Ali bin Ibrahim Al-Alawi Al-Yamani, Part 3, The Khedive Book House, Al-Muqtaf Press, Egypt, 1914 AD.

• Al-Umda fi Poetry Industry and Criticism, Ibn Rasheq Al-Qayrawani, Volume 1, Al-Saada Press, Egypt, 1, 1907AD.

• On the construction of the modern Arabic poem, d. Ali Ashry Zayed, Ibn Sina Publishing and Printing, 4th Edition, 2002 AD.

• In the New Balance, Muhammad Mandour, Publication and Distribution of Institutions A. Ben Abdullah, Tunisia, 1st edition, 1988 AD.

• Issues of Pre-Islamic Poetry, Fathi Ibrahim Al-Khidr, Research, An-Najah National University, University Library, Nablus, 1st Edition, (D.T).

Issues of Contemporary Poetry, Nazik Al Malaka, Al-Nahda Library Publications, 3rd Edition, 1967 AD.

• The language of poetry at Al-Maarri: A technical linguistic study in Saqat Al-Zind, d. Zuhair Ghazi Zahid, House of General Cultural Affairs, Baghdad, 1989.

• A dictionary of rhetorical terms and their development, d. Ahmed Matlab, part 2, Iraqi Scientific Academy Press, 1986 AD.

• Music of poetry, d. Ibrahim Anis, Anglo-Egyptian Library, Arab Bayan Committee Press, 2, 1952 AD.

• The texture of repetition between aesthetics and function in the poetry of the Algerian martyrs, Diwan of Martyr Rabie Bouchama as a model, d. Abdel Latif Heni, Journal of Arabic Language Sciences and Literature, a specialized academic journal issued by the Faculty of Arts and Languages, Al Wadi University, Mansour Press, March, 2012.

• Theory of language and beauty in Arab criticism, d. Thamer Salloum, Dar Al-Hiwar for Publishing and Distribution, Lattakia Syria, 1, 1983 AD.

• Iraq's Literary Renaissance in the Nineteenth Century, Professor Muhammad Mahdi Al-Baseer, Baghdad Press, 1, 1946 AD.




كيفية الاقتباس

"البنية الإيقاعية في شعر محمد سعيد الحبوبي". 2021. مجلة اداب ذي قار 1 (36): 1-15. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v1i36.252.