التنسيق البريطاني–الامريكي للإطاحة بحكومة شيدي جاغان في غويانا البريطانية 1961-1964
https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v2i37.292الكلمات المفتاحية:
غويانا البريطانية , الولايات المتحدة , انتخابات , جاغان .الملخص
First: the published documents:
A: US State Department documents published on the website:
Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States Deplomatic Papers, 1961-1963, The American Republics, Vol.XII (America Republic),(Washington, 1996)
Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States Deplomatic Papers,1964-1968, The American Republics,Vol.XXXII,(Dominican, Cuba, Haiti,Guiana, (Washington, 2005
B: The documents of the US National Archives published on the website:
http://www. nsarchive.gwu.edu
C- Bulletin of the US State Department published on the website
: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record
- Department of State Bulletin, Vol.XLV, November 13, 1961, No. 1168.
Second: Theses and dissertations in English:
Joshuo David Esposito, The Cold War and decolonization in British Guiana: The Anglo-American Intervention and Guianese nationalist Politics, Master of Arts, West Vergina University, 2010 .
- James G. Rose, British Colonial Policy and the Transfer of Power in British Guiana 1945-1964, Ph.D Thesis, King College, London, 1992.
Third: Arabic and Arabized books:
-Jack Woods, The New Colonialism in Asia, Africa and Latin America, translated by: Al-Fadl Shallaq, Dar Al-Haqiqah, Beirut, 1971.
- Jimmy Carter, Beyond the White House (Breaking Peace, Fighting Disease and Building Hope), Publications Company, Beirut, 2009
- Salah El-Din El-Shamy, Latin America (The Relationship of Transport with Construction and Economic Exploitation), Modern Printing House, Cairo, 1963
- Youssef Bishara, Cuba, the island that I loved, Printing House, University of Khartoum, 1971
Fourth: Books in English:
- Stephen G. Rabe, U.S Intervention in British Guiana, A Cold War Story, University of North Garalina Press, 2005
- William Blum, Killing Hope U.S Military and CIA intervention since world war II, Part I, Gopsons publisher, London, 2003.
Fifth: Research and articles in English:
Philip Sherlock, Prospects in the Caribbean, Foreign Affairs, Vol.41, No.4, July 1963
- Ronald V. Sires, British Guiana: The Suspension of the constitution the Western Political quarterly, Vol.7, No.4, December 1954 .
-B.A.N. Colline, The Civil Service of British Guiana in the general Guiana strike of 1963, Journal of Caribian Culture, Vol.10, issue 2, 1964 .
Sixth: Research and articles in Arabic:
- Cheddi Jagan, Guyana’s struggle for its independence, Al-Waqat magazine (Beirut), issue 8, August 1965 .
- Chedi Jagan,From Guyana to Chile,New Culture Magazine(Baghdad),No.63, July 1974 .
Seventh: Encyclopedias:
Masoud Al-Khawand, The Historical Geographical Encyclopedia, Part 13, The International Company for Encyclopedias, Beirut, 2005 .
A: US State Department documents published on the website:
Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States Deplomatic Papers, 1961-1963, The American Republics, Vol.XII (America Republic),(Washington, 1996)
Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States Deplomatic Papers,1964-1968, The American Republics,Vol.XXXII,(Dominican, Cuba, Haiti,Guiana, (Washington, 2005
B: The documents of the US National Archives published on the website:
http://www. nsarchive.gwu.edu
C- Bulletin of the US State Department published on the website
: https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record
- Department of State Bulletin, Vol.XLV, November 13, 1961, No. 1168.
Second: Theses and dissertations in English:
Joshuo David Esposito, The Cold War and decolonization in British Guiana: The Anglo-American Intervention and Guianese nationalist Politics, Master of Arts, West Vergina University, 2010 .
- James G. Rose, British Colonial Policy and the Transfer of Power in British Guiana 1945-1964, Ph.D Thesis, King College, London, 1992.
Third: Arabic and Arabized books:
-Jack Woods, The New Colonialism in Asia, Africa and Latin America, translated by: Al-Fadl Shallaq, Dar Al-Haqiqah, Beirut, 1971.
- Jimmy Carter, Beyond the White House (Breaking Peace, Fighting Disease and Building Hope), Publications Company, Beirut, 2009
- Salah El-Din El-Shamy, Latin America (The Relationship of Transport with Construction and Economic Exploitation), Modern Printing House, Cairo, 1963
- Youssef Bishara, Cuba, the island that I loved, Printing House, University of Khartoum, 1971
Fourth: Books in English:
- Stephen G. Rabe, U.S Intervention in British Guiana, A Cold War Story, University of North Garalina Press, 2005
- William Blum, Killing Hope U.S Military and CIA intervention since world war II, Part I, Gopsons publisher, London, 2003.
Fifth: Research and articles in English:
Philip Sherlock, Prospects in the Caribbean, Foreign Affairs, Vol.41, No.4, July 1963
- Ronald V. Sires, British Guiana: The Suspension of the constitution the Western Political quarterly, Vol.7, No.4, December 1954 .
-B.A.N. Colline, The Civil Service of British Guiana in the general Guiana strike of 1963, Journal of Caribian Culture, Vol.10, issue 2, 1964 .
Sixth: Research and articles in Arabic:
- Cheddi Jagan, Guyana’s struggle for its independence, Al-Waqat magazine (Beirut), issue 8, August 1965 .
- Chedi Jagan,From Guyana to Chile,New Culture Magazine(Baghdad),No.63, July 1974 .
Seventh: Encyclopedias:
Masoud Al-Khawand, The Historical Geographical Encyclopedia, Part 13, The International Company for Encyclopedias, Beirut, 2005 .
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