موقف النواب العراقيين من امتياز سكة حديد الحجاز في مناقشات مجلس المبعوثان العثماني 1908-1914م


  • أ . م . د . رشا جميل علوان جامعة المثنى – كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6048-3919
  • م.م. وداد عبد السادة جامعة المثنى – كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

امتياز، سكة حديد ، نائب ، مجلس مبعوثان ، الحجاز


   يعد مشروع سكة حديد الحجاز من اهم المشاريع التي نفذتها الدولة العثمانية في عهد السلطان عبد الحميد الثاني الذي اعتبره انجاز عظيم له ، ساهموا فيه العرب والمسلمون في جميع الولايات العثمانية ومن ضمنهم الولايات العراقية بتبرعاتهم في بنائه لما له اهمية دينية ذات بعد سياسي واقتصادية وعسكرية، لذا حظى باهتمام في مناقشات مجلس المبعوثان العثماني للمدة 1908-1914م، التي شارك فيها النواب العراقيين بمقترحاتهم وآرائهم .

  عالج البحث مشروع سكة حديد الحجاز الذي اهتمت به الدولة العثمانية وعدته من اهم الامتيازات الاجنبية التي منحتها لحليفتها المانيا على الرغم من اختلاف وجهات نظر الكتاب العرب والاتراك حول مفهوم الامتياز ودوافعه ، الا انه حظي بمناقشات عديدة داخل مجلس المبعوثان العثماني والتي بدورها اظهرت حجم الاختلاف بين العرب والعثمانيين حول مشروع سكة الحديد . 

  بدأت الدولة العثمانية تغير سياستها اتجاه الدول الاوربية وتحاول توثيق علاقاتها معهم عن طريق التحالفات والاتفاقيات التي عرفت بالامتيازات سواء ان كانت اقتصادية او عسكرية او سياسية او دينية ، وبموجب هذه الامتيازات منحتهم حرية الحركة والتجارة داخل الدولة العثمانية لكن هذا الامر انعكس سلباً عليها اذ اصبحت اداة تستخدمها الدول الاوربية للتدخل في شؤونها الداخلية والسيطرة على الاقتصاد العثماني ، ومن ابرز هذه الامتيازات امتياز سكة حديد الحجاز الذي منح في عهد السلطان عبد الحميد الثاني .

    كانت ولاية الحجاز من اهم الولايات في الدولة العثمانية باعتبارها بداية العالم الاسلامي ولأهميتها الدينية اصبحت ذات وضع خاص للعثمانيين جغرافياً ودينياً ، واستمر هذا الوضع عدت قرون لغاية انفصالها عن الحكم العثماني بعد قيام الثورة العربية الكبرى ، لذلك حظى مشروع سكة حديد الحجاز باهتمام اسلامي واسع .


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: The Holy Quran

Surah Yasin verse (59).

Surah Al-Anfal verse (37).

Second: Published documents: Minutes of the Ottoman Parliament

Council of Deputies (1324 AH-1908 AD), the first period, the first volume, the first parliamentary year, January 8, 1324 AH (January 21, 1909 AD).

Council of Deputies (1324 AH-1908 AD), the first period, the second volume, the first parliamentary year, February 16, 1324 AH (March 1, 1908 AD).

Council of Deputies (1325 AH-1909 AD / 1910 AD), the first period, the first volume, the first parliamentary year, February 25, 1325 AH (March 10, 1910 AD).

Council of Deputies (1325 AH-1909 AD), the first period, the second volume, the first parliamentary year, February 25, 1325 AH (March 10, 1909 AD).

Council of Deputies (1325 AH-1909 AD), the first period, the second volume, the first parliamentary year, March 7, 1325 AH (March 20, 1910 AD).

Council of Deputies (1326 AH -1910 AD), the first period, the first volume, the second parliamentary year, November 10, 1326 AH (November 23, 1910 AD).

Council of Deputies (1326 AH -1910 AD), the first period, the fifth volume, the third parliamentary year, May 10, 1325 AH (March 23, 1910 AD).

Council of Deputies (1327 AH -1911 AD), the first period, the fifth volume, the second parliamentary year, March 26, 1327 AH (April 8, 1911 AD).

Council of Deputies (1328 AH -1912 AD), the second period, the first volume, the first parliamentary year, May 19, 1328 AH (June 1, 1912 AD).

Council of Deputies (1330 AH -1914 AD), the third period, the first volume, the first parliamentary year, June 9, 1330 AH (June 22, 1914 AD).

Council of Deputies (1330 AH -1914 AD), the third period, the first volume, the first parliamentary year, June 21, 1330 AH (July 4, 1914 AD).

Third: Scientific dissertations

A- In Arabic

Suhaila Ahmed Sirir, Fatima Hajj Ibn Fatima, Foreign Privileges in the Ottoman State between Positive and Negative Effects (10-13 AH / 16-19 AD), Master’s Thesis (Unpublished), Dr. Yahya Fares University in Medea, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2014.

Shukri Mahmoud Nadeem, The Situation of Iraq in the Second Constitutional Period 1908-1918 A Historical Study, PhD Thesis (Unpublished), College of Arts, University of Baghdad, 1985.

B- In Turkish

Adnan Gelmez, Türk Siyasi Hayatinda 1912 Meclîsi Mebusân Seçimleri, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Istanbul Üvîversîtesî Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihî Anabilimdali, 1992.

Elif Ayça Karaca, Osmanli Idaresinde Hicaz Ve Meclis-I Mebusan Zabit Ceridelerinde Hicaz Vilayeti (1908-1918), Yüksek Lisans Tezi, T.C. Yozgat Bozok Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anabilim Dalı, 2019.

Emrah Çetin, Türk Basınına Göre Hicaz Demiryolu (1900-1918), Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, (Yüksek Lisans Tezi), Kayseri 2009.

Fevzi Demir, Ikinci Meşrutiyet Dönemi Meclis-I Mebusan Seçimleri (1908-1914), Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Atatürk Ilkeleri Ve Inkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü, Izmir, 1994.

Hasan Daşdemir, Arap Vilayetlerinde 1912 Meclis-I Mebusan Seçimleri, Basılmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Tokat, 2018.

Mustafa Malhut, Meclis-I Mebusan’da Imtiyazlar Sorunu Ve Tartişmalari (1908-1914), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Tarih Anabilim Dali, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi, Programi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2009.

Mustafa Malhut, Meclis-I Mebusan’da Imtiyazlar Sorunu Ve Tartişmalari (1908-1914), Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tarih Anabilim Dali Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarihi Programi Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2009.

Osman Nebioğlu, Osmanlı Imparatorluğu’ndaki Ticaret Anlaşmaları Ve Imtiyazlar, Ismail Akgün Matbaası, 2. Baskı, Istanbul, 1966.

Sibel Yazlcl, Osmanlı Meclis-Imebusani Ve Faaliyetleri (1914-1918), Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Avion Krahisar, 2018.

Fourth: Arabic and Arabized books

Ahmed Al-Sabai, History of Mecca Studies in Politics, Science, Society and Urbanism, Vol. 2, 3rd Edition, Dar Quraish, Mecca, 1965.

Ahmed bin Fares bin Zakaria Abu Al-Hussein, Dictionary of Language Standards, Verification and Adjustment: Abdul Salam Muhammad Haroun, Vol. 5, Dar Al-Fikr, 1979.

Ahmed Mukhtar Omar, Dictionary of Contemporary Arabic Language, Volume One, 1st Edition, World of Books, Cairo, 2008.

Idris Al-Nasser Raeesi, Ottoman-European Relations in the Sixteenth Century, 1st Edition, Dar Al-Hadi, Beirut, 2007.

Tawfiq Ali Baro, The Arabs and the Turks in the Ottoman Constitutional Era (1908-1914), Institute of Higher Arab Studies, Cairo, 1960 AD.

Hussein Hadi Al-Shalah, Talib Pasha Al-Naqib Al-Basri and His Role in the Modern Political History of Iraq, 1st Edition, Beirut, 2002 AD.

Sulaiman Faydi, In the Midst of the Struggle, Limited Trade and Printing Company, Baghdad, 1952 AD.

Abdul Karim Al-Alaf, Old Baghdad, 2nd Edition, Arab Encyclopedia House, Beirut, 1999.

Ismat Burhan Al-Din Abdul Qadir, The Role of Arab Deputies in the Ottoman Parliament 1908-1914 AD, 1st Edition, Arab Encyclopedia House, Beirut, 2006.

Ali Al-Wardi, Social Glimpses from the Modern History of Iraq, Vol. 3, 2nd Edition, Dar Al-Rashid, Beirut, 2005.

Qais Jawad Al-Azzawi, The Ottoman State A New Reading of the Factors of Decline, 2nd Edition, Arab House of Sciences, Beirut, 2003.

Muhammad Azza Druze, The Emergence of the Modern Arab Movement, Beirut, 1971.

Muhammad Muzaffar Al-Adhami, The Iraqi Constituent Assembly, Vol. 1, Dar Al-Shu’un Al-Thaqafiya Al-Ammah, Baghdad, 1989 AD.

Yilmaz Oztuna, History of the Ottoman State, translated by Adnan Mahmoud Salman, Vol. 1, Faisal Foundation Publications, Istanbul, 1988.

Fifth: Foreign books

William Ochsenwald, The Hijaz Railroad, University Press of Virginia, Charlottesville 1980. Sixth: Turkish books

Ana Britannica, European concessions and their effects on the Ottoman Empire, Döler Neşriyat, Istanbul, March 1982.

Edward Mead Earle, Baghdad Railway War, Istanbul 1972.

Fahir Armaoğlu, 20th Century Political History, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Ankara 1992.

Nejdet Kurdakul, Trade Agreements and Capitulations in the Ottoman State, Döler Neşriyat, Istanbul, March 1981.

Osman Nebioğlu, The Collapse of an Empire and Capitulations, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Ankara, 1986.

Ufuk Gülsoy, Hijaz Railway, Döler Neşriyat, Istanbul 1994.

Seventh: Scientific research and articles


• Nizar Alwan Abdullah, The Hijaz Railway and the Supervision of Mecca (1900-1914) Journal of Adab Al-Mustansiriya, Volume 38, Issue (65), Baghdad, 2014.

Eighth: Newspapers

Echo of Babylon, Issue (19), Baghdad, December 18, 1909.

Echo of Babylon, Issue (239), May 17, 1914.

Echo of Babylon, Issue (243), June 10, 1914. Ninth: Magazines

Al-Hilal Magazine, Vol. 1, Year 17, Egypt, October 1, 1908 - July 1, 1909.

Al-Hilal Magazine, Vol. 3, Year 18, December 1, 1909 AD.

Language of the Arabs Magazine, Vol. 2, May 1, 1912.





الدراسات التاريخية

كيفية الاقتباس

"موقف النواب العراقيين من امتياز سكة حديد الحجاز في مناقشات مجلس المبعوثان العثماني 1908-1914م". 2023. مجلة اداب ذي قار 2 (44): 184-217. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v2i44.494.