أساليب التحسر والندم في التعبير القرآني / دراسة دلالية


  • م. د . خالد خضير عباس جتمعة سور / كلية التربية الاساسية



الكلمات المفتاحية:

الندم , التحسر , الأسف


    فمن المعلوم أنّ البشرية عانت التخبط والانحراف عن السنن الكونية، متبعين في ذلك أهواءهم الضالة وما تمليه عليهم الشياطين من تعاليم فاسدة حالت بينهم وبين فطرة الله التي فطرهم عليها, فكان من الطبيعي أن يترتب على ذلك عقوبات وأهوال لا يُقدِّر قدرها, ولا يبلغ كنهها عقل بشري, لأنها صادرة من جبّار السموات والأرض , لذا فالخَطبُ يكون أعظم مما نتصور وأكبر مما نتخيل )يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُوا رَبَّكُمْ إِنَّ زَلْزَلَةَ السَّاعَةِ شَيْءٌ عَظِيمٌ  يَوْمَ تَرَوْنَهَا تَذْهَلُ كُلُّ مُرْضِعَةٍ عَمَّا أَرْضَعَتْ وَتَضَعُ كُلُّ ذَاتِ حَمْلٍ حَمْلَهَا وَتَرَى النَّاسَ سُكَارَى وَمَا هُمْ بِسُكَارَى وَلَكِنَّ عَذَابَ اللَّهِ شَدِيدٌ(([i])

ولعل ذلك سيكون مدعاة  للانكسار النفسي  الذي يرافقه الشعور بالحسرة والندم , من هنا انطلقت هذه الدراسة محاولة جادة للوقوف على أبرز الصيغ اللغوية التي تجسدت بها معاني تحسر الإنسان ومواطن ندمه, وقد اقتضت طبيعة الدراسة تقسيم البحث على ثلاثة مباحث سبقها المقدمة التي نحن بصدد اعدادها والتمهيد الذي نجد فيه التعرض إلى مفهومي (الندم والتحسر) في اللغة والاصطلاح, ودرست في المبحث الأول (التحسر والندم في التراكيب الانشائية) ومنها النداء والتمني, أما في المبحث الثاني فكان بعنوان (التحسر والندم بالتركيب الخبري والكناية) وقد جاءت الكناية المعبرة عن التحسر والندم على نوعين منها ما هو لفظي, و ومنها ما هو حركي, أما المبحث الثالث والأخير فجاء بعنوان (التحسر والندم ببعض الالفاظ) والتي منها 0الأسف, البخع, الكظم , والبثُّ.


 ([i]) الحج/1-2.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: The Holy Qur'an

Second: Sources and References:

(1) The Guide to Rhetoric and the Presentations of Al-Khalil: Dr. Ali Jamil Salloum, and Dr. Hassan Nour Al-Din, first edition, Dar Al Uloom Al Arabiya, Beirut - Lebanon, 1410 AH - 1990 AD.

(2) Guidance of the sound mind to the merits of the noble mind (Tafsir of Abi Al-Saud): Abu Al-Saud Al-Emadi Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Mustafa (982 AH), House of Revival of Arab Heritage, Beirut - Lebanon (Dr. i), (Dr. T).

(3) Origins of Psychology: Dr. Ahmed Ezzat Tarajeh, The National House for Printing and Publishing, Fifth Edition, Increased and Revised, 1963.

(4) The best in the interpretation of the Book of God the Manzil: the scholarly scholar, the Great Ayatollah Sheikh Nasser Makram al-Shirazi (d. i), (d. c).

(5) Clarification in the sciences of rhetoric: Muhammad Abd al-Rahman ibn Umar, Abu al-Ma’ali, Jalal al-Din al-Qazwini al-Shafi’i, known as the preacher of Damascus (739 AH), investigated by: Muhammad Abd al-Moneim al-Khafaji, third edition, Dar al-Jil, Beirut.

(6) The proof in the sciences of the Qur’an: Badr Al-Din Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Zarkashi (d. 794 AH), investigation: Abu Al-Fadl Ibrahim, first edition, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Arabi, Issa Al-Babi Al-Halabi and his associates, 1376 AH - 1957 AD.

(7) Arabic rhetoric, its foundations, its sciences, and its arts, Abd al-Rahman Hassan Janka al-Madani, Dar al-Qalam, Damascus, and al-Dar al-Shamiya, Beirut, first edition, 1416 AH - 1996 AD.

(8) Rhetoric, its arts and craftsmen, the science of meanings: Dr. Fadel Hassan Abbas, second edition, Dar Al-Furqan, Amman - Jordan, 1409 AH - 1989 AD.

(9) The Statement in the Tongue: Mehdiarar - A Study in Language and the Body - First Edition, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia, Beirut, 2007 AD.

(10) The Crown of the Bride from the jewels of the dictionary: Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Razzaq al-Husayni, Abu al-Fayd, nicknamed Murtaza, al-Zubaidi (died: 1205 AH) investigation: a group of investigators, publisher: Dar al-Hidaya.

(11) Al-Tibayan in the interpretation of the Qur’an: Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Al-Hassan Al-Tusi, investigated by: Ahmed Habib Qasir Al-Amili, (Dr. I) (D. T.).

(12) Editing and Enlightening: Muhammad Al-Taher Bin Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al-Taher Banashour Al-Tunisi (died: 1393 AH), Publisher: Al-Tunisia Publishing House - Tunisia, 1984 AH.

(13) Definitions: Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Zain Al-Sharif Al-Jerjani (deceased: 816 AH) Investigation: A group of scholars under the supervision of the publisher: Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmia, Beirut - Lebanon, Edition: First 1403 AH -1983 AD.

(14) Jurisprudence definitions: Muhammad al-Barakti, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, first edition, (1424 AH - 2003 AD).

(15) Interpretation of Al-Khazen named Bab Al-Ta’weel in the meanings of the download: Alaa Al-Din Ali Bin Muhammad Banna Ibrahim Al-Baghdadi, the famous Al-Khazin, Dar Al-Fikr, Beirut - Lebanon, 1399 AH, 11979 AD.

(16) Tafsir Al-Shaarawy - Thoughts: Muhammad Metwally Al-Shaarawi (died: 1418 AH), Akhbar Al-Youm Press. The book does not have the original - printed - any data on the edition number or other, except that the deposit number makes it clear that it was published in 1997 AD.

(17) Interpretation of Al-Manar: Muhammad Rashid Rida, second edition, Dar Al-Manar, Lebanon, 1372 AH - 1953 AD.

(18) Intermediate Interpretation of the Noble Qur’an: Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, Dar Nahdat Misr for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Faggala - Cairo, for the first edition.

(19) Interpretation of Noor Al-Thaqalain / Abdul Ali Al-Huwaizi - Scientific Press - 2nd floor - Tehran.

(20) Summarizing the statement in the metaphors of the Qur’an / Sharif Al-Radi - investigation: Muhammad Abdul-Ghani Hassan - House of Revival of Arabic Books - Cairo - 1955.

(21) Summarizing in the sciences of rhetoric: Jalal al-Din Muhammad Ibn al-Rahman al-Qazwini, seized and explained by: Abd al-Rahman al-Barquqi, second edition, Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi, 1932 AD.

(22) The New in Interpretation of the Qur’an / Muhammad Al-Sabzwari - Dar al-Ta’rif for Publications - 1st Edition - Beirut - 1402 AH.

(23) Evidence of Miracles: Abu Bakr Abd al-Qaher Abd al-Rahman ibn Muhammad al-Jarjani, investigation: Dr. Muhammad al-Tanji, (471 AH), first edition, Dar al-Kitab al-Arabi - Beirut, 1995 AD.

(24) The spirit of meanings in the interpretation of the Great Qur’an and the Seven Seven, the second: Shihab al-Din Mahmoud bin Abdullah al-Husayni al-Alusi (1270 AH), investigation: Ali Abd al-Bari Atiyah, first edition, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut - Lebanon, 1415 AH.

(25) Al-Sahih Haj Language and Arabic Sahih: Abu Nasr Ismail bin Hamad Al-Jawhar Al-Farabi (died: 393 AH), investigation: Ahmed Abdul-Ghafoor Attar, Dar Al-Alam for Millions - Beirut, Fourth Edition: 1407 AH - 1987 AD.

(26) The science of meanings, study and analysis: Dr. Karima Mahmoud Abu Zaid, first edition, Wahba Library, Cairo, 1408 AH - 1988 AD.

(27) Al-Ain: Abu Al-Rahman Al-Khalil bin Ahmed Al-Farahidi (died: 170 AH), investigation: Dr. Mehdi Makhzoumi and d. Ibrahim Al-Samarrai, Dar Al-Hilal Library (Dr. I) (D. T).

(28) Jurisprudence of Language and Arabic Secrets, Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad ibn Ismail Abu Mansur al-Thaalibi (died: 429 AH), Investigator: Abd al-Razzaq al-Mahdi, The Revival of Arab Heritage, first edition 1422 AH - 2002 AD.

(29) In the Shadows of the Qur’an: Sayed Qutb Ibrahim Hussain Al-Sharbi (1385 A.H), Seventeenth Edition, Dar Al-Shorouk, Beirut, Cairo, 1412 A.H.

(30) The surrounding dictionary: Majd al-Din Abu Taher Muhammad Banyaqoub al-Fayrouzabadi (817 AH), investigation: Heritage Investigation Office at the Resala Foundation, under the supervision of Muhammad Naim al-Arqsoussi, eighth edition, Beirut, Lebanon, 1426 AH - 2005 AD.

(31) Book: Amr Bin Othman Bin Qanbar Al-Harithi, Al-Loyalty, Abu Bashar Al-Maqab-Sibawayh (180 AH), achieved by Abd al-Salam Muhammad Harun, third edition, Al-Khanji Library, Cairo, 1408 AH - 1988 AD.

(32) The discovery of the facts of the download and the eyes of gossip in the face of interpretation: Abu al-Qasim Mahmoud bin Omar al-Zamakhshari (d. 538 AH), investigation: Abd al-Razzaq al-Mahdi, House of Revival of Arab Heritage - Beirut (d. i), (d. t).

(33) Treasure of Minutes and Sea of Strangeness / Muhammad Bin Muhammad Redha Al-Mashhadi - Institution of Printing and Publishing - 1st floor - Tehran.

(34) Lisan Al-Arab: Ibn Manzur, investigation by: Abdullah Ali Al-Kabir + Muhammad Ahmad Hasballah + Hashem Muhammad Al-Shazly, Publishing House: Dar Al-Maarif, Cairo (Dr. i).

(35) Psychological body language, Joseph Messinger, translated by Muhammad Abdul Karim Ibrahim, 1, 2007 AD, Dar Aladdin, Syria, Damascus.

(36) Al-Bayan Complex in the Interpretation of the Qur’an: Amin al-Islam Abi Ali al-Fadl ibn al-Hasan al-Tabarsi (d. 548 AH), investigation: a committee of specialized scholars and investigators, presented by the Grand Imam, Sayyid Muhsin al-Amin al-Amili, first edition, Al-Alame Foundation for Publications, Beirut - Lebanon, 1415 AH - 1995 AD.

(37) Al-Muhtasib in Tibiyin, Faces and Anomalies of Readings and Clarification, Abu Al-Fath Othman Binjni Al-Mosili (died: 392 AH), Ministry of Awqaf - Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, 1420 AH - 1999 AD.

(38) The Meanings of the Qur’an: Abu Zakaria Yahya Binziad Bin Abdullah.

The perspective of Al-Dailami Al-Farra (207 AH), Investigator: Ahmad Youssef Al-Najati / Muhammad Ali Al-Najjar / Abdel-Fattah Ismail Al-Shalaby, first edition, Dar Al-Masrya for authorship and translation - Egypt.

(39) The Battle of the Qur’an in the Miracles of the Qur’an: Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abi Bakr, Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (911 AH), first edition, Scientific Books House, Beirut, Lebanon, 1408 AH -1988 AD.

(40) The Dictionary. Mediator: Ibrahim Mustafa, Ahmed Hassan Al-Zayat, Hamid Abd Al-Qadro, Muhammad Ali Al-Bukhari, and Ashraf, printed by: Abdel Salam Haroun, Egypt Press, Cairo, 1380 AH - 1961 AD.

(41) Keys of the Unseen (The Great Interpretation): Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Omar bin Al-Hassan bin Al-Hussein Al-Taimi Al-Razi, nicknamed Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi (606 AH), third edition, House of Revival of Arab Heritage - Beirut, 1420 AH.

(42) Vocabulary in the strangeness of the Qur’an, Abu al-Qasim al-Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Ragheb al-Asfahani (died: 502 AH), investigation: Safwan Adnan al-Dawdi, publisher: Dar al-Qalam, al-Dar al-Shamiya - Damascus, Beirut, Edition: First - 1412 AH.

(43) Language standards: Ahmad Ibn Faris Benzakria Al-Qazwini Al-Razi, Abu Al-Hussein (died: 395 AH), Investigator: Abd al-Salam Muhammad Harun, Dar Al-Fikr: 1399 AH - 1979 AD.

(44) Manuhi Al-Quran / Mr. Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah - Dar Al-Zahraa for Printing, Publishing and Distribution - 3rd Edition - Iran.

(45) Towards the meanings: Dr. Ahmed Abdul-Sattar Al-Jawari, Iraqi Scientific Council Press, Baghdad, 1407 AH - 1987 AD.

(46) The end is strange in the hadith and the effect: Majd al-Din Abu al-Saadat al-Mubarak ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Abd al-Karim al-Shaibani al-Jaziry ibn al-Atheer (died: 606 AH), investigation: Taher Ahmad al-Zawi - Mahmoud Muhammad al-Tanahi, Scientific Library - Beirut, 1399 AH - 1979.

Third: Undergraduate Theses:

(1) Allusion and waving in Quranic expression / linguistic study (PhD thesis), Khaled Khudhair Abbas, College of Arts - Al-Mustansiriya University - 1438 AH 2018 AD.

(2) Alert in Qur’anic Expression (Master Thesis): Qasim Dirham Muta’ Al-Saidi, College of Education, University of Dhiqar, 1431 AH - 2011 AD.

(3) Remorse in the Noble Qur’an, its manifestations and effects: Amal Al-Naisi Ruqayya Ferjani, Master’s thesis in Islamic sciences (interpretation and sciences of the Qur’an), Institute of Islamic Sciences, Department of Fundamentals of Religion, University of Martyr Hamhal Khader - Al-Wadi (1018-2019).

(4) The Nation in the Psychological Perspective on Arabs, Ibn Hamdis Al-Saqli: (PhD Thesis), Stargbar Barzig, University of Baghdad, College of Arts, 2007 AD.



كيفية الاقتباس

"أساليب التحسر والندم في التعبير القرآني دراسة دلالية". 2022. مجلة اداب ذي قار 1 (38): 68-92. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v1i38.315.