Muhammad bin Malik Al-Gharnati Excerpts from his approach and resources in his book “Zahrat al-Bustan wa Nuzhat al-Adhahn"”
Al-Tughnari - The Flower of the Garden - Agriculture - FarmingAbstract
Agriculture is one of the most important foundations and pillars that the economy relies on in general, due to its excellence in exploiting the natural elements that God created from soil, water, air, weather and others. Agriculture is an art, science, craft, profession and necessity at the same time. It depends on it. Man in securing his food, food, clothing and housing, as well as relying on it to feed his livestock of cows, sheep and others, and agriculture has formed one of the most important professional and craft sectors for humans, so he made it a profession that he does to achieve economic profit through it, and agricultural life was based on some natural factors on the one hand and also based on the extent of human ability to exploit and improve these factors on the other hand, and many books have been written in this regard, but the book (The Flower of the Garden and the Delight of the Minds) was an important book in this field, as its author devoted himself to explaining the types of plants and crops and methods of cultivating and caring for them, which enriched the Arab and Islamic library with a great book like this book.
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