School Bullying Among Middle School Students
School environment, bullying behavior, forms of school bullying, social influences, brawls.Abstract
This research aims to shed light on the problem of school bullying, its prevalence, and to expose its weaknesses and harms. The importance of the study lies in identifying the behavior of school bullying and attempting to develop long-term plans through the school environment by various activities and understanding different viewpoints to deal with it. The research also allows for recognizing the most significant forms and manifestations of school bullying and helping students get rid of it, as well as assisting families in identifying and avoiding it in the best possible way. The development of student relationships is governed by many social and behavioral variables and influences. It was found that the behavior of school bullying is not only directed at each other but has also been directed at the teaching staff and practiced outside the school walls, which has become a significant danger. Bullying behavior is considered a serious problem that threatens school security in general and society in particular (Georgiou, 2008, p. 118).
• The Holy Quran
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