الشرطة في لواء البصرة 1869-




الكلمات المفتاحية:

: جهاز الشرطة ، القوات البريطانية ، الشعب العراقي ، سياسة القمع، والتعسف


كانت الولايات العثمانية ومنذ أوائل القرن التاسع عشر تقسم من الناحية العسكرية إلى سبع مناطق في كل واحده منها جيش نظامي كامل من المشاة ’ والخيالة  والمدفعية , إما بالنسبة للشرطة فقد تم إنشاء هذا الجهاز بموجب لائحة أصدرها الباب العالي عام 1845 .إلا إن ذلك الجهاز الأمني لم يستطع القيام بالمهمات الملقاة على عاتقه بسبب ضعفه , وقلة عدد إفراده , والفساد المتفشي في هيكليته , وعلى الرغم من كل الجهود التي بذلها الولاة العثمانيين لتحسين ذلك الجهاز إلا انه بقي يعاني من سوء الإدارة والتجهيزات إلى انهيار الدولة العثمانية .إما بعد احتلال العراق من قبل القوات البريطانية فقد تم الاهتمام بجهاز الشرطة ,تشكيلاته ,تجهيزاته , وزيادة عدد إفراده , لكي يقوم بالمهام التي تقع على عاتقة كجهاز امني لحماية امن المدن المحتلة وطرق مواصلات سير تلك القوات وإمداداتها . اتبع في بداية تشكيل هذا الجهاز الطراز الهندي , حيث جيء بضباط شرطة من الهند وعدن عند احتلال البصرة ثم العمارة والناصرية , بعدها تم تجنيد الشرطة المحلية (الشبانة) في القرى والمناطق البعيدة وكانوا من السكان العرب . أخذت أمور هذه القوة تنظم تديجياً إذ وضعت لها الأسس الصحيحة والتي أصبحت الصرح الذي استندت إليه قوات الشرطة فيما بعد , وكانت هذه القوة في بدايتها تدار من قبل الضباط البريطانيين وعلى رأسهم العقيد (بريكسوت) مفتش الشرطة العام .


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.


First: Unpublished documents

- D.K.W, Documentary Unit, Ministry of Interior, File Sequence 509, File Number 507/144, File Subject Police Basran, 29/2/1916 -8/1/1917, and 4.

- D.K.W, Documentary Unit, Ministry of Interior, File Sequence 509/3205, Basra Police [Jan 29/2/1916 -18/1/1917 and 4.

- D.K.W, Documentary Unit, Royal Palace, File Sequence 2542 –and, File Number 2/11, File Subject, Ministry of Interior Owners for the year 1921, and 22, p49.

Second: Messages and Theses

- Ali Nasser Hussein, British Administration in Iraq Published Master’s Thesis, College of Arts, University of Baghdad, 1991.

- Adnan Hirir Al-Shujairi, The Administrative System in Iraq 1920-1929, Unpublished PhD Thesis, College of Arts, University of Baghdad, 2005.

- Essam Abdel Hassan Al-Baram, Development of the Iraqi Police 1958-1963, Institute of Arab History and Scientific Heritage for Graduate Studies, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, 2002.

- 5- Firdaws Abdul Rahman Karim, Liwa Al-Amara in the Ottoman Era -1861-1914, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, College of Education Ibn Rushd, University of Baghdad, 1998.

- 6- Qahtan Hamid Kazem Al-Anbaki, Ministry of Interior Functional Structure and Development of Specialized Work Institutions 1925-1939 Published Master’s Thesis , College of Education , Diyala University , 2003 .

- 7-Karim Haidar Khudair , The Emergence and Development of the Iraqi Police 1921-1932 , Unpublished Master’s Thesis , College of Arts , University of Baghdad , 1993 .

- 8-Manar Salah Ismail , Iraqi Rescue Police and its Role in Stabilizing Security until 1968 , Unpublished Master’s Thesis , Institute of Arab History and Scientific Heritage for Graduate Studies , Baghdad , 2013 .

- 9-Majida Karim Abdul Janabi , Ministry of Interior , Founding Stage , Study in its Organizational and Administrative Structure and its Specialized Responsibilities 1921-1924 , Unpublished Master’s Thesis , College Education , Al-Qadisiyah University , 2002 .

- 10-Mohammed Asfour Salman , Iraq in the Era of Midhat Pasha , Unpublished Master’s Thesis , College of Arts , University of Baghdad , 1989 .

- 11-Muntaha Azab Dhweib , Sir Percy Cox and his Role in Iraqi Politics 1864-1923 , Unpublished Master’s Thesis , College of Arts , University of Baghdad .1995 ; Arab Horizons Magazine , Issue /24 , Baghdad ,1985 .

- 12-Nabil Amer Fleih , Administrative and Security Tasks for the Iraqi Ministry of Interior during the British Mandate Years 1920-1932 , College of Education , Al-Mustansiriya University ,2011 .


- Ibn Manzur Muhammad bin Makram bin Manzur Lisan al-Arab Madh7 Beirut2002.

- Arnold Talbot Wilson Mesopotamia Translation by Fouad Jamil Al-Kraiti J1 T2 Dar Al-Shu’un Al-Thaqafiyya Baghdad1991.

- Ikmal al-Din Ihsan Ogloa The Ottoman State History and Civilization Translation by Saleh Saadawi Istanbul1969.

- Bertram Thomas Risks and Journeys in Arabia Translation by Abdul Hadi Fanjan Al-Saadi Dar Murtada Printing and Publishing2009.

- Jabral Kurno Dictionary of Legal Terms Translation by Mansour Al-Qadi T2 Majd Al-Jami’ah Foundation Beirut2009.

- Hamed Nasser Al-Dhalimi Basra Memory City Beirut2016.

- Hamid Ahmed Hamdan Al-Tamimi Basra under British Occupation1914-1921 Rashad Printing Press Baghdad1979.

- Saadoun Abdul Hussein Hadi The Administrative Process in the Police Research submitted to obtain a Higher Diploma in Police Sciences Higher Officers Institute Baghdad1980.

- Steven Hemsley Longrigg Modern Iraq1900-1950 Translation by Salim Taha Al-Tikriti J2 T2 Dar Al-Fikr Baghdad1988.

- Steven Hemsley Longrigg and Frank Stokes Iraq from Dawn to History until the Revolution1958 Translation by Mustafa Numan Ahmed Murtada Foundation for the Iraqi Book2009.

- Abdul Razzaq Al-Husseini History of the Iraqi Ministry J1 T7 Dar Al-Shu’un Al-Thaqafiyya Baghdad1988.

- Abdul Razzaq Al-Dhahir Feudalism and the Diwan in Iraq Al-Saada Printing Press Egypt1946.

- Philip Willard Ireland Iraq A Study in Political Development Iraq A Study in Political Development Translation by Jaafar Al-Khayat Al-Kashaf Publishing Beirut1949.

- Farouk Saleh Al-Omar On British Policy in Iraq1914-1921 Gulf Studies Center Publications T2 Basra2017.

- Al-Mas Bell Chapters from Modern Iraqi History1914-1920 Translation by Jaafar Al-Khayat Al-Rafidain Printing, Publishing and Distribution Beirut2010. 19-Mohammed Ali Al-Rikabi Police Administration in Egypt Cairo (D.D) 1966.

- Mustafa Kazem Al-Mudafaa Texts from Ottoman Documents from the History of Basra in the Records of the Sharia Court in Basra Basra1982. 21- Mirza Hassan Agha History of Basra Province (A Study of its Social, Economic and Political Conditions) Translation by Wafi Abu Maghli Review by Hussein Al-Qahwai, Basra, 1980

- Mahmoud Abdul Wahid Mahmoud, Basra and the British Occupation 1914-1920, Historical Studies Magazine, Issue 38, Beit Al-Hikma, 1999, Baghdad.

- Mohammed Hamdi Al-Jaafari, Britain and Iraq An Era of Conflict 1914-1958, General Cultural Affairs House, Baghdad, 2000.

- A group of researchers, The Detailed in the History of Modern Iraq, Beit Al-Hikma, Baghdad, 2002.

- Encyclopedia of Media for Senior Iraqi Royal Politicians from 1920-1958, J2, Ministry of Culture, Baghdad, 2013.

- Nuri Al-Said and his Political Role in Iraq, Times Printing and Publishing Company, Baghdad, 1987.

- Kazem Habib, Criminal Investigations Police in Iraq, Mesopotamia House for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Baghdad, 1913.


- Ali Nasser Hussein , The Iraqi Police from the Late Ottoman Era to the Coronation of Prince Faisal as King of Iraq1864-1921 , College of Arts Magazine , University of Baghdad , Issue /22 ,2011 .

- Internal Security Forces Magazine , Issue /62 , Baghdad , July1989 .

- Policeman Magazine , Baghdad , J7 , Issue /1 , October 7th1927 .

Electronic sites

- -https://almadasupplements.com/view.php?cat=14239 Mada Supplements Issue2861 , 22/11/2015 .



كيفية الاقتباس

"الشرطة في لواء البصرة 1869-". 2023. مجلة اداب ذي قار 2 (42): 304-29. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v2i42.445.

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