شعريّةُ النصّ الأدبي: مُقاربةٌ في مجموعة الحرف والغراب لأديب كمال الدّين




الكلمات المفتاحية:

Poetic text, Arabic poetry, everyday language.


تبتغي هذه الدراسة الوقوف على لغة شاعر عراقي، عُرف بوفرة نتاجه الشّعري، وأسلوبه ذي الملمح النصِّي المأنوس، عند قرّاء قصائده عامّةً، فمنذ نتاجه الأول (تفاصيل) العام 1976 دأبَ أديب كمال الدِّين على انضاج إصداراته الشّعريّة بلغةٍ غير مُتوحّشة على القارئ المُعاصر، تنبذُ غرابة الرصف، وفداحة المجاز ومعناه، فتنحازُ لتشكيل المعنى وآفاقه بلا تلاعب وعر، ودون تقليب "هذياني" لمقامات البلاغة، ولا يظن المتلقي بقولي إنّه يميلُ للغة العادية، بل سأقولُ إنّه يكتبُ شعرًا بلغة يومنا، وعصرنا، إذ يحتفي عموم شعره بالتشكيل اللفظي الواضح، الدافق بالتجديد، غير المركون في المقبرة الخاصّة بالمفردات، بلغةٍ تنتمي لزمنٍ صار أدواته الحياتيّة تلم أطراف الأرض البعيدة، لغةٍ حيّة يعيها الشاعر، ويمارسُ غوايته بتشكيلها أشعارًا وحيوات، وهذا ما حفّزنا لدراسة مجموعته (الحرف والغراب) ومقاربة لغتها المهيمنة على مختلفِ قصائد المجموعة، حيث هيمنت لغة الطبيعة وشعريّتها، ولغة الرثاء وكينونته الجديدة والمختلفة عن نمطِ الرثاء الكلاسيكي العربي القديم، كتابة تنشد الاختلاف على مستوى اللغة والموضوعات بطريقةٍ يعرفُ رصفَ حروفها الشّاعرُ أديب كمال الدين.


تنزيل البيانات ليس متاحًا بعد.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

  • Ass.Lecture Muhammad Fadil Jaddoua ، مديرية تربية ذي قار

    Received 6/4/2023,

    Accepted 30/9/2023 

    , Published 30/9/2023.


First: Poetic Books

• The Complete Poetic Works, Volume Four: The Collection of Letters and the Crow, Adib Kamal Al-Din, Difaf Publications, Beirut, 1st Edition, 2018.

• The Complete Poetic Works, Sylvia Plath, Translation and Introduction by: Abed Ismail, Dar Al-Takwin for Writing, Translation and Publishing, Damascus, 1st Edition, 2020. Second: Ancient Sources

• Secrets of Rhetoric, Abu Bakr Abdul Qahir Al-Jurjani (d. 471 AH), Read and Annotated by: Mahmoud Muhammad Shaker, Dar Al-Madani, Jeddah, (n.d.).

• Criticism of Poetry, Qudamah bin Ja’far (d. 311 AH), Edited by: Kamal Mustafa, Al-Khanji, Cairo, 3rd Edition, (n.d.). Third: Modern References

• Joseph’s Brothers: Condemnation in Arab Culture, Identity Crisis, Problem of Homeland, Edited and Introduced by: Athir Muhammad Shahab, Dar Al-Shu’un Al-Thaqafiyya, Baghdad, 1st Edition, 2011.

• Imam Hussein bin Ali (AS) in Modern Iraqi Poetry, Hussein Ali Yousuf, Al-Husseiniya Holy Shrine, Karbala, 1st Edition, 2013.

• Building the Poem in Saadi Yousuf’s Poetry, Saidi Al-Mouloudi, Al-Jamel Publications, Baghdad, 1st Edition, 2018.

• The Poetic Imagination among the Arabs, Abu Al-Qasim Al-Shabi, Arabic Words for Translation and Publishing, Cairo, 2013.

• Elegy, Shawqi Daif, Dar Al-Ma’arif, 4th Edition, (n.d.).

• The Last Dance of the Red Dress: Seven Decades of Contemporary Iraqi History through Singing and Music, Ali Abdul Amir, Al-Mutawassit Publications, Milan - Italy, 1st Edition, 2017.

• Ashes of Poetry: A Study in the Thematic and Artistic Structure of Modern Sentimental Poetry in Iraq, Abdul Karim Radi Jaafar, Adnan Library, Baghdad, 2nd Edition , 2014.

• The Poetic Image in Khalil Hawi’s Poetry , Huda Juma Baytar , Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage , 1st Edition , 2010.

• The Poetic Image , Césal De Louis , Translation by: Ahmed Nasif and others , Dar Al-Rashid for Publishing , Baghdad , 1982.

• The Crow: Natural and Cultural History , Boria Sax , Translation by: Ismeralda Hamidan , Review by Osama Manzalji , Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture , 1st Edition , 2010.

• The Sublime Speech: A Theory in Poetics , Jean Cohen , Translation , Introduction and Commentary by: Muhammad Al-Wali , Dar Al-Kutub Al-Jadida , Beirut , 1st Edition January 2013.

• Lorca the Poet of Andalusia , Maher Al-Battouti , The Egyptian General Book Authority , Cairo , 1993.

• Nazik Al-Malaika: Studies in Poetry and the Poetess , Prepared and Presented by Abdullah Ahmed Al-Muhanna , Al-Rubaian Company for Publishing and Distribution , Kuwait , 1st Edition , 1985.

• Critical Theory: Reading , Methodology , Genre Formation , Muhammad Saber Obeid , Arab Scientific Publishers , Beirut , 1st Edition , 2015. Fourth: Dictionaries

• Lisan al-Arab , Ibn Manzur (d. 711 AH) , Edited by: Abdullah Ali al-Kabir and others , Dar al-Ma’arif , (n.d.).

• The Literary Dictionary , Jabbour Abdel Nour , Dar al-Alam al-Malayeen , Beirut , 2nd Edition , 1984.

• The Detailed Dictionary of Language and Literature , Emil Badi Yaqoub and Michel Assi , Dar al-Alam al-Malayeen , Beirut , 1st Edition September 1987. Fifth: Periodicals and Newspapers

• The Boethic Art of Crafting Poetic Language , Alaeddin Ramadan El-Sayed , Journal of Signs in Criticism Saudi Arabia Volume 28 Issue 7 June 1998.

• Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath Fatima Al-Muhsen Supplement Manarat Newspaper Al-Mada Issue No.4063 Wednesday November15th2017.

• Visions of the Lover and the Poetics of the Letter in Adib Kamal al-Din : A Reading in the Diwan “A Letter from Water” Muhammad Fadhel Al-Mashlab Newspaper Al-Sabah Al-Jadid Tuesday October 31st 2017 Issue No.3811.

• Abdel Halim Hafez … The Egyptian Black Nightingale , Siyar Al-Jamil , Supplement Manarat , Newspaper Al-Mada , Issue No.3894 , Wednesday April 5th 2017.

• An Analytical Reading of the Poem (Daddy) by the Poet Sylvia Plath , Andrew Spicy , Translation: Mariam Salama , Journal of the Poetic Hawza , Issue No.4 , Winter 2017.

• The Poetic Language between Sentence Style and Text Plurality , Muhammad Abdo Felfel , Journal of Arab Heritage , Syria , Issue No.125 - 126 , January 1st 2012.

• The Concept of Elegy and its Reasons and Origins and the Formation of its Pre-Islamic Poems , Abu Al-Khair Muhammad Shams Al-Haq Al-Siddiqi , Journal of the Indian Scientific Assembly , Issue No.2 , June 1st 1999. Sixth: University Theses

• Nature between Nazik Al-Malaika and Badr Shaker Al-Sayyab (A Comparative Study) , Salim Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Quraishi , Master’s Thesis , College of Arts , Iraqi University , Supervised by Dr. Munther Muhammad Jasim Al-Dairi , 2012. Seventh: Electronic Websites

• Website of Al-Sabah Al-Jadid Newspaper https://newsabah.com/newspaper/42592 .





الادب واللغة

كيفية الاقتباس

" شعريّةُ النصّ الأدبي: مُقاربةٌ في مجموعة الحرف والغراب لأديب كمال الدّين ". 2023. مجلة اداب ذي قار 1 (43): 105-31. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v1i43.473.

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