علي الوردي: موقع مثقف
https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v1i45.545الكلمات المفتاحية:
المثقف العمومي، الجمهور، النقد الاجتماعي، المعرفة، السياسة، اللاشعور، القوى الخارقة.الملخص
يتناول هذا البحث عالِم الاجتماع العراقي علي الوردي (1913-1995) مثقفاً شغل موقعاً فريداً في الثقافة العراقية في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين. ولغرض فهم هذا الموقع، يعرض البحث الشروط السياسية والثقافية التي بزغت فيها "ظاهرة" الوردي، ويحلّل جوانب من فكره الاجتماعي النقدي. يبدأ البحث بعرض ظروف ظهور علم الاجتماع وتأسيسه فرعاً علمياً في الأكاديمية العراقية بما في ذلك مكانة الوردي في تلك الفترة الزمنية، ونوع نقديته وكتابته وعلاقته بالجمهور بوصفه مثقفاً عمومياً. ويجلّي البحث أثر هذه العلاقة على تطور فكره وتشكل كتابته. ويفصّل البحث في الدور الذي نسبه الوردي للمعرفة مكوناً رئيساً ومرشداً للسياسة العامة، ومن ثم تقييم اطروحاته ونقدها وأهليتها الواقعية لأن تؤدي هذا الدور.
Firstly, in Arabic:
Edward Said, “Images of the Intellectual,” translated by Ghassan Ghusn (Beirut: Dar al-Nahar, 1996).
Eric Davis, “Memories of State: Politics, History, and Collective Identity in Modern Iraq,” translated by Hatem Abdel Hadi (Al-Jamal Publications, Beirut-Baghdad, 1st edition, 2012).
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Hanna Batatu, “Iraq: Social Classes and Revolutionary Movements from the Ottoman Era to the Establishment of the Republic,” Volume I, translated by Afif Rizk (Beirut: Arab Research Institute, 2nd edition, 1995).
Stephen Hemsley Longrigg, “A Modern History of Iraq 1900-1950,” Volume II, translated and annotated by Salim Taha al-Tikriti (Baghdad: Al-Fajr Publications, 1st edition, 1988).
Serge Bouchard, “The Practice of Sociology,” translated by Munir Saadan (Arab Organization for Translation, Beirut, 1st edition, 2012).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Social Glimpses from the History of Modern Iraq,” Volume I (Baghdad: Al-Irshad Printing Press, 1st edition, 1969).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Social Glimpses from the History of Modern Iraq,” Volume II (Baghdad: Al-Irshad Printing Press, 1971).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Ibn Khaldun’s Logic in Light of His Civilization and Personality” (London: Dar Kufan, 2nd edition, 1994).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Dreams Between Science and Belief” (London: Dar Kufan, 2nd edition, 1994).
Ali Al-Wardi, “The Myth of High Literature” (London: Dar Kufan, 2nd edition, 1994).
Ali Al-Wardi, “The Farce of the Human Mind” (London: Dar Kufan, 2nd edition, 1995).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Preachers of the Sultans” (London: Dar Kufan, 2nd edition, 1995).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Miracles of the Unconscious or Secrets of a Successful Personality” (London: Dar Al-Waraq Publishing, 2nd edition, 1996).
Ali Al-Wardi, “The Personality of the Iraqi Individual: A Study in the Psychology of the Iraqi People in Light of Modern Sociology” (London: Dar Layla Publications, 2nd edition, 2001).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Social Glimpses from the History of Modern Iraq,” Volume V, Part 2 (Beirut: Dar Al-Rashid, 2nd edition, 2005).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Inspired by the Eighties,” collected and commented by Salam Al-Shamaa (Lebanon: Al-Balagh Foundation, 1st edition, 2007).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Ethics: The Lost Moral Resources” (Dar Al-Waraq, Beirut, 1st edition, 2007).
Ali Al-Wardi, “Points on Letters: Unpublished Articles Investigated by Salam Al-Shamaa” (Dar Al-Arab for Publishing and Distribution, 1st edition, 2016).
Fatima Al-Mohsen, “Representations of Modernity in Iraqi Culture” (Beirut-Baghdad: Al-Jamal Publications, 1st edition, 2015).
Faleh Abdul Jabbar, “In Horrors and Conditions: The Social and Cultural Sources of Violence” (Beirut: Al-Furat for Publishing and Distribution, 1st edition, 2008).
___________, “Ali Al-Wardi, Sociologist, Society, Sociology: A Complex Interaction,” (Kufa Magazine, Issue 8, 2014).
Marion Farouk Sluglett and Peter Sluglett, “From Revolution to Dictatorship: Iraq Since 1958,” translated by Malik Al-Nibras (Beirut-Baghdad: Al-Jamal Publications, 2003).
Wael Hallaq, “Sharia: Theory, Practice, and Transformations,” translated and introduced by Dr. Kian Ahmed Hazem Yahya (Beirut: Dar Al-Madar Al-Islami, 1st edition, 2018).
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- 2024-03-31 (1)
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