The miracle in the text of the Qur’an “Part letters as a pattern”
The miracle, The miraculous, Quranic text, cut letters and influenced.Abstract
The Holy Qur’an has great importance, so no prayer is accepted without its recitation. It is the strong rope of God. Whoever clings to it, He guides him. Whoever turns away from it, He destroys it and makes hell his abode. His God has commanded us to recite it throughout the night and the ends of the day, and has prepared for those who carry it gardens of bliss. It will be said to the one who recites it on the Day of Resurrection, “I have forgiven you,” at the last verse you recite. Whenever our paths become narrow, we are more in need of the Book of God, by which we may hold fast, by its guidance we may be guided, and by whomever it was revealed to us to follow. Let no distraction distract us from understanding it, and no obstacle prevents us from contemplating it. The miraculous Book of God, to which falsehood does not come from before it or from behind it. Its words were composed of these letters, which were organized to form a Qur’an that contained eloquence at its peak, meanings at its highest, and goals at its most honorable and lofty, and the one with which it proclaims. His servants are the vessel of the night and the ends of the day; So that they may believe that it is the Book in which there is no doubt, so that they will increase in faith along with their faith, and their hearts will be reassured by it. As for the broken letters at the end of some of the surah's, the repeated letter consists of fourteen letters, which are "alif, ta’, meem, sad, ra’, kaf, ha’, ya’, ayn, ta’, syen, ha’, qaf, nun", united by the saying: "A path upon the right to hold", it is half the letters in number, and the mentioned ones are more honorable than the ones that are abandoned, as they include the types of letters, from the whispered and voiceless, to the soft, to the severe, and to the applied. His wisdom is manifested in everything, who did not create anything in vain, but for purposes in which minds and understanding were confused, and in which there was much research and detailing of speech from Yes, the honorable reader will become familiar with some of those meanings that made these letters the title of research. God grant success.
• The Holy Quran.
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