Examining the Language of Politics and the Politics of Language via Political Discourse Analysis





Language of Politics, Politics of Language, Political Discourse Analysis


An overview of political discourse analysis (PDA) research is provided in this essay. We start by placing this work in the context of the linguistic and political shifts that occurred in the last half of the  twentieth century in the social and human sciences. We next go over many opinions about what constitutes the political and relevant subjects of study for PDA. We examine the connection between PDA and critical discourse analysis (CDA), adopting an inclusive understanding of politics and discourse. We conclude by reviewing political discourse studies in terms of the theoretical and analytical frameworks they use, as well as the sociopolitical topics they tackle.


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How to Cite

“Examining the Language of Politics and the Politics of Language via Political Discourse Analysis”. 2024. Thi Qar Arts Journal 5 (46): 32-53. https://doi.org/10.32792/tqartj.v5i46.632.

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