Political Developments in France 1934-1940
The government of Leon Blum, Edouard Daladier, the right-wing parties, the German reparations, the Maginot Line, the government of Paul ReynaudAbstract
France witnessed in the period between the two wars the occurrence of many political unrest, especially within the government as a result of the change of heads of successive governments in it, as well as because of the occurrence of parliamentary disputes and political scandals, because the political fabric inside France was based on the multiplicity of parties and there was no understanding between them because of their different ideological affiliations. This was reflected in the weakness of these governments in making decisions related to foreign and domestic policy.
The political differences within France were reflected in its economic and financial system, which was greatly affected by these disturbances, which led to major financial crises as a result of political corruption. Not only that, but the emergence of extremist ideologies in Europe, especially in Germany and Italy, has thrown He deceived the internal situation in France due to the influence of political and economic decision-makers by these ideas, which further complicated matters in the French issue.
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