The Role of Media in Shaping Public Opinion and Decision-Making in Thi Qar Province
Media, Public Opinion, Dhi Qar Province.Abstract
The study aimed to understand the role of media in shaping public opinion and decision-making in Dhi Qar province. This research used the descriptive analytical method to collect and analyze data through a survey sampling method, targeting a sample of 100 individuals from the Iraqi public in Dhi Qar province.
The study reached a set of conclusions, including:
- Heavy reliance on the information provided by the media in making decisions about important issues.
- Concerns about the impact of misleading information on decision-making.
- The need for greater transparency and accountability from the media.
- The need for more independence for the media.
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Copyright (c) 2024 nabeel thajeel bachay, Salam Sami Mohammed, Amjed Abdulzahra Talib

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