The effect in the book ((Misbah as-Salikeen)) in the explanation of Nahj al-Balagha by the scholar Ibn Maitham al-Bahrani
Ibn Maitham Al-Bahrani, object, transgression, introduction and delay, deletion.Abstract
There are many accusative nouns in the Arabic language and they are widely used in speech, including objects. They are closely linked to the verbal sentence, so they have no place except by their presence. The first of these objects is the object, as it complements the transitive verb sentence because it is subject to the action of that verb. Sometimes it comes explicitly and at other times it is interpreted. The verb goes beyond its object once by itself and another time by the preposition, and the object is multiple according to the meaning of its action. Some verbs suffice with one object to complete the meaning, and it may go beyond two objects and three objects depending on the type of that verb. The scholar Ibn Maitham Al-Bahrani, in his explanation of Nahj al-Balagha, presented most of the grammatical issues related to the object and addressed them with explanation. The analysis shows its conditions and the conditions of the verb preceded by it through his interpretation of the noble texts, including deleting the object, as well as deleting the verb, mentioning the opinions of early and late scholars such as Al-Rawandi, Ibn Abi Al-Hadid, Al-Bayhaqi, Al-Kaydari, Al-Khoei, Al-Tastari, and others. The scholar Al-Bahrani was chosen to be the title of the research because he had not studied it before, as well as his ingenious style and extensive knowledge. It prompted me to engage in this research, which is important. In order to reach the true meaning of words, we must have complete knowledge of their place in the parsing, and this matter made me take the descriptive and analytical approach to the research in an attempt to answer the questions, including: What is the grammatical doctrine of the commentator? Was he unique in his opinion on some grammatical issues, or was he committed to following his doctrine? Did he provide clear evidence for the validity of his statement? One of the most important results is that the commentator Al-Bahrani Basri followed the Basri scholars in most of their opinions, including the theory of the factor in the object, about which the scholars’ opinions differed, and the most likely opinion was the Basri opinion that the factor in it is the verb, not the subject, because nouns have no effect.
The Holy Quran
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