Generative-Transformational Analysis by Al-Khalil: An Applied Study of Grammatical Issues
Grammatical Issues, Al-Khalil, Generative-Transformational Theory, Grammatical Legacy, Arabic SpeechAbstract
Modern linguistic studies, or what is known as linguistics, have taken the path of exploring the meanings of sentences and texts, and how these meanings arise, starting from the linguistic instinct of the individual to speech, and the impact this speech leaves. It is well known that the pioneer of this approach is the philosopher Noam Chomsky, who introduced the terms “generation” and “transformation” together. He believes that every utterance in any language undergoes these two processes, as if he established a general system for all languages. Each of these processes has concepts and rules through which grammatical structures can be analyzed to understand the resulting meanings.
Although this understanding is newly presented with these mechanisms, new terms, and new classification and categorization, it is not unfamiliar to the foundations of Arabic grammar. Anyone who closely examines the methods of grammatical analysis from the early grammarians will find that the substance of these methods is not devoid of the concepts and rules set by the proponents of the generative-transformational theory. This is abundantly found in the first grammatical work, “Kitab Sibawayh,” which carries the knowledge of Al-Khalil. Many believe that it is Al-Khalil’s knowledge revived by Sibawayh in his work. Therefore, this study is titled “Generative-Transformational Analysis by Al-Khalil: An Applied Study of Grammatical Issues” to clarify Al-Khalil’s encyclopedic mind in analyzing grammatical issues according to views seen by today’s scholars as their innovations. This is not to deny their intellectual effort but to highlight Al-Khalil’s deep thinking, his ability to comprehend Arabic speech, and his understanding and explanation of it.
The research methodology required the study to be divided into two sections: the first section explores the study’s concepts, starting from the concept of “analysis” from a grammatical perspective, then the terms “generation” and “transformation,” and the exploration of the concepts and rules of each, leading to Al-Khalil’s grammar in “Kitab Sibawayh.” The second section addresses grammatical issues analyzed by Al-Khalil according to the concepts and rules brought by the proponents of the generative theory. The study concludes with a summary of the most important research findings, along with a list of sources and references.
Keywords: Grammatical Issues, Al-Khalil, Generative-Transformational Theory
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